ARCOS Association and Social Cooperation Network

As part of our social responsibility mission, Tietê Agroindustrial S.A. is proud to support the Christmas Challenge Project, an initiative of ARCOS – Association and Social Cooperation Network of Catanduva, SP. This project embodies the spirit of generosity and solidarity that is so fundamental during the Christmas season, providing essential support to individuals and families in our community.

We understand that the holiday season can be a challenging time for many, and we are committed to doing our part to ensure everyone in our community can enjoy this time of year with joy and hope. By supporting the Christmas Challenge Project, we are contributing to the creation of a more inclusive and supportive environment in our community, showing that the true essence of Christmas lies in sharing and cooperation.

Our support for ARCOS and the Christmas Challenge Project is a manifestation of our belief in the power of cooperation and community action. We are honored to be part of this initiative, which allows us to give back to our community and make a difference in people’s lives during such a significant time. We invite other businesses and individuals to join us in this effort, joining us in making Christmas a time of joy and hope for everyone in our community.