Capoeira – Sweet Lessons

Understanding the importance of culture and social inclusion, Tietê Agroindustrial S.A. is delighted to support the cultural project “Capoeira Sweet Lessons,” dedicated to teaching the art of capoeira to young people and adolescents in Paraíso and Ubarana, SP. With an approach that integrates physical activity, art, and cultural education, this project represents an invaluable opportunity for young individuals to learn a valuable part of Brazil’s cultural heritage.

Capoeira is much more than just an art form or a sport; it is an expression of history, resistance, music, and movement, and we believe that its teaching can help shape more conscious individuals who are connected to their culture. By supporting “Capoeira Sweet Lessons,” we invest in the preservation and dissemination of this cultural tradition while providing an opportunity for young people to develop their physical abilities, discipline, self-confidence, and mutual respect.

Through this support, we hope to inspire the next generation of capoeiristas and, at the same time, strengthen the community around us. We invite other organizations to join us in this commitment, collaborating to preserve our cultural roots and promote activities that benefit our youth and the community as a whole.