Right Kick

Social Sports Development Project (Football) for the Under-17 Category – Palmares Paulista-SP.

At Tietê Agroindustrial S.A., we firmly believe in the power of sports as a means to promote social inclusion, health, and personal development. That’s why we are proud to support the “Chute Certo” Project, an initiative dedicated to sports development for the Under-17 category in Palmares Paulista, SP.

This project plays a crucial role in providing a safe and structured environment where young individuals can learn and practice football. At the same time, “Chute Certo” is helping instill essential values in the young participants, such as teamwork, discipline, perseverance, and respect for others. Through this support, we are investing in the future of our community, helping provide our youth with the tools and experiences they need to thrive.

Our support for the “Chute Certo” Project is an expression of our commitment to the youth of our community. We believe that every young individual should have the opportunity to engage in activities that promote their growth and development. By supporting initiatives like this, we are helping to create a stronger, healthier, and more united community. We invite other companies to join us in this effort, working together to promote sports and youth development in our region.